The purpose of this scan is to check that your baby is structurally normal. Most babies are healthy, but unfortunately some have problems that cannot be predicted by the health of the mother or family history.
The major structures within the baby are carefully examined by one of our highly trained consultants or sonographers. When you attend for this scan we assume that you want to know about any abnormalities that are detected or concerns that are raised. The findings of your scan will be discussed fully with you during your consultation.
This scan is normally performed from 18 weeks onwards. However in certain cases e.g. multiple pregnancies, it may be beneficial to perform the scan at 16 weeks and then again at 21- 23 weeks
Please note that we are led by a team of highly skilled specialist doctors that offer diagnosis and treatment of complications which may arise in unborn babies. All your scans will be performed by our experienced fetal medicine consultants. We do not offer scans performed by sonographers or fellows. The service we provide by consultants offer screening, diagnosis and management of your pregnancy to the highest standards.
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